Sample projects

To get a sense of how the new engineering fees might work out for your project, here are a few examples of recent projects and the time DAW worked on them:

ProjectTime spent
Re-engineer a commercial light stimulation system to ensure linear output28 hours
Put together a miniscope8 hours
Initial design for a fiber optic fluorescence system7 hours
Custom machining ultrasound rubber to different thicknesses1¾ hours
Help a student design an optogenetic stimulation light path1½ hours
Adapt a camera mount1½ hours
Heater for a behavior box1 hour
Help a graduate student build a copy of our “screen reader”½ hour

Before starting on any major project, we will give you an estimate of how much time we will spend on it.

Some projects are harder to estimate than others. If we come to realize that our initial estimate was overly optimistic, we will contact you before spending additional time.